Drive-in concerts
Whether you need a few of our services or a full production event, we can help you put on a concert that will have everyone wanting more. We offer open platform and large mobile platform stages, audio, video, lighting, and LED services that come with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. Whether it’s a corporate event, private party, community festival, or wedding reception, we can provide the right DJ or live music of your choice. Let us help you create the perfect drive-in concert experience. To find out more, contact us today!
Drive-in movies
We offer the largest inflatable movie screen on the west coast. Our 4-story screen is an incredible 40’x60’ and visible from over 500 feet! Our certified technicians can put this nearly 1,000lb beast of a screen anywhere! Add our DLP Christie projector and FM transmitter to complete the package. Talk to us about helping your community relive their childhood memories and we can bring a drive-in to your neighborhood. Ask for a quote today!